Monday, December 7, 2009

Re-Balance and Re-focus

With each new season there are learning experiences and times adjust your preparation, mental focus and other habits to create a better arena for personal performance.

This weekend the sprint was a disaster and distance skate race satisfactory. Physically I felt very tired and without some quick reaction and snap I needed in the first-day sprint. While the second day was better it left much to be desired.

After reading through Terry Orlick's Sports Psychology lessons, I once again found myself refocusing on distraction control, positive visualization and to only focus on factors within my control. Although these seem obvious, I had strayed from my performance plan. This was a great lesson for me to have early this season.

The photo is Mt. Albert Edward backlit by a setting West Coast sun. Thanks to Rick Morson and Dave Battison for helping with the Mt. Washington Camp.


Mind and Matter

1 comment:

  1. oucha! Keep your tips straight... and work through it! :) You race again this coming weekend right?
